Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Side Effects

From 1.12.14

People say life is hard. Sometimes, yes, it can be.  The severity of the challenges, the hurt, the isolation and loss all make life hard at times.  And some days, it may seem that we won't get past the rough parts.

It's like when you have to take medicine. To get to the "good" effect of the medicine addressing your pain, illness or ailment, one often has to endure certain side effects: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia...a seemingly endless list of adverse effects that one must endure to be able to feel some possible benefit.

I think the same of life.  After various trials, adversity, anger, fear, distrust, bitterness and angst...only after getting past those side effects can one hope to experience some good that makes all the pain worth the journey. 

We're all struggling with something.
If you see me and I'm not smiling quite the same, know this:

I'm just trying to get past the side effects.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Healing for Hannah

So, I've watched your life unfold over the past year into an undeniable testament of faith, hope and promise. 

Ever since the day my niece introduced me to you, I knew there was something special about you. After we met you, my Mom and I were both impacted by your presence, the sparkling sunshine in your smile, and those big, beautiful eyes. 

I have been anxious about updates I saw on Facebook concerning your harrowed but hopeful battle with the relentless villain of cancer. In my heart and through my prayers, I asked God to send you strength, comfort and healing as only He can do. 

I watched with anticipation as our community rallied around you, united in faith in an unfailing God.  

I smiled as I watched you reach milestones - prom and graduation...

I thanked God as I witnessed the impact of your relentless faith on your classmates, family and friends. 

Through one willing vessel, God has shown Himself faithful, strong, and finally...merciful.

He answered our prayers yesterday, and placed a crown on your head, and said to you, "Well done."

When I heard that you were gone yesterday, I was stunned and speechless.  I felt a pang of hurt in my heart, but I couldn't reach it.

Today, I can't seem to stop the tears from flowing. In your short young life, you did more for your community by inspiring us and unifying us, than many can do in decades of life. 

I hurt, I smile, I pray. I know God is rewarding you for all the times you smiled and prayed through pain, in the times when your body was battered with illness, surgeries, treatments....

Thank God for His promise of wholeness and healing after we have fought the good fight of faith. 

Rest peacefully, Sweet Hannah.  Wear your golden crown, and dance and sing in The Presence of The King!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Gripped by Gratitude

Just witnessed a woman being carried out of a restaurant on a stretcher by the EMTs and fire department, while her 10 or 11 year old daughter screamed and cried "Mommma!"


But I also saw one of the EMTs walk over to the little girl, hold her little face in his hands, and say, "Your Momma's going to be okay."

To see that kind of compassion displayed amid the cold cruelty we see and read about every day was a precious blessing.

I silently prayed for the lady as she was being taken to the hospital, and I believe God's got her in His flawless hands.

I'm also grateful that, no matter what I have battled this year in my own body, God has been merciful; my Mom has not had to encounter the fear of me being whisked away in an ambulance. 

God is good, all the time, whether we see it all the time or not.

He's merciful, and has kept us from some of the terrifying, traumatic things that #couldhave happened to us and our families this year. 

Lesson: be grateful; things could be much worse. 

#grateful #thankful

Rid of Religion


Why do we as church people get so locked into catch phrases and slogans and jargon? 

Did Jesus do that? No. He didn't need slogans or jargon or marketing campaigns. His life was His billboard. 

So, if you're feeling really low today, and I run up to you and say, "Honey, don't you worry, He'll turn your 'mess' into a 'message' and He'll turn your 'test' into a 'testimony!'"

How have I helped you?

Answer: I haven't. 

In my opinion, we lean far too much on that superficial stuff that isn't really God.  Jesus, the Son of God, didn't need catch phrases, so why do we? 

The only thing that will help you through those times when a catch phrase just won't do it, is the pure, unadulterated Word of God. Period. 

That's what the church mothers of old had. They didn't launch a marketing campaign; they led you to Jesus.

If it's all the same to y'all, I can do without the slogans and catchphrases.  

I'd  rather hear #from the Master Himself than hear #about Him using oversimplified, overused jargon.

Jesus was the #realest, most authentic man who ever walked the earth.  Any effort to follow, emulate, or relate to Him must carry truth and #authenticity. 

I guess we'll get there one day. 
