Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Basic Black Dress - An Opportunity to Shine

There's nothing more basic than the "basic black dress".  Simplistic concept - nice "situationally-appropriate" item that you can quickly put on and be ready for any event or outing. 

As simple as it is in concept, the black dress yields much opportunity for individual flare.  

One can dress it up with stunning jewelry, funky shoes, even brightly-colored hair ornaments (i.e. feathers, rhinestones, etc.).  

The important factor is to seize the opportunity and exhibit maximum personal style. 

In the end, that's what life is about - taking the simple, basic concept of living and maximize our individual expression of it. 

Do something you never expected. Don't be afraid to stand out. Grab that brightly-colored feather and throw it in your hair.  Put on the red stilettos and rhinestone belt.  Make your life a shining example of unimaginable possibilities.

Take the basic black dress and turn it into something spectacular!