I wonder if what I’m wishing is worth it.
I wonder if wishing and waiting is worthless and if wistful
watch only proves to be a waste.
A waste of precious time, energy, effort.
I probably could’ve had 2 Masters degrees right now, if I
had focused my efforts on something worthwhile.
Trust me little Sis, it’s never wise to allow your sunshine
to reside in someone else’s uncaring back pocket.
It’s never a good plan to reach for a hand who’s not
reaching for you.
It’s never right to stay up at night, thinking and dreaming
about an existence that weighs so heavily on someone else’s motives and whims.
And Yes, you #can be a “you” without a “him.”
It’s never wise to sell yourself lies just because you don’t
see your own value in someone else’s eyes.
I could’ve adopted 2 or 3 babies by now, started an
orphanage or even become a lawyer--I could've been the single Claire Huxtable - all in the space of time spent…
Oh, dear God, clothes rent, shoulders bent, faith meant.
Got to pick up from here, my dear. There must be better pastures on the horizon.
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